Contact Us At The Center for Ankle & Foot Care Below:
New Patient Information:
We try to make this process as easy as possible for you. As we all know, insurance does not always cover all parts of a doctors visit all the time. This can be due to deductibles and copays most of the time. To make it easier for you to know exactly what to expect and what you may be responsible for the visit, we verify your insurance. What this means is, our staff takes the time to call the insurance company, they find out exactly what your insurance will pay for the visit. We can even let you know before you go into the treatment room so there are no surprises for you. In order to make your visit quicker, if you provide this information prior to the visit, this will prevent any delay or waiting before your scheduled visit time for this verification process. Follow the steps below to streamline this process:
When making your appointment, it is best to have you insurance cards handy! If we have all of your information for insurance prior to the visit we are able to verify the insurance prior to your visit, decreasing your wait time greatly!
You can click on either the PDF version of the New Patient paper work or Word version. You can edit on your computer save and mail it back to our office, fax or hand deliver it prior to your visit. This is not mandatory but will certainly decrease your wait time in the doctors office.
FAX 352-242-0316
Address to mail information to is our main office:
3190 Citrus Tower Blvd Suite A
Clermont, FL 34711
Key Forms
Click Here for New Patient Forms PDF
Click here for New Patient Forms Microsoft Word
Click here to download HIPAA Privacy Practices